Saturday, January 1, 2011

Predicting the Headlines 2011: What Will Happen to Lindsay, the 'Jersey Shore,' Robsten and More

We know what happened in 2010, but what can we expect in the upcoming year?

PopEater gathered four celebrity experts -- our very own Naughty But Nice Rob Shuter, Celebenomics expert Jo Piazza, HollywoodLife's editor-in-chief Bonnie Fuller and Gossip Cop's Michael Lewittes to discuss what they think will happen in 2011.

So what's in store for Lindsay Lohan? Will those crazy kids on the 'Jersey Shore' still be famous? And do Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart stand a chance once 'Breaking Dawn' finishes filming? Find Out What They Think!

Lindsay Lohan, Mel Gibson and Charlie Sheen all had a rough year. But can they make their comebacks? For Lindsay, and Sheen -- definitely. But Gibson's career is in the toilet, according to our experts.

"Lindsay's going to take the year off. Charlie's going to have a comeback because it's already happened. And Mel Gibson isn't going to have the opportunity to have a comeback," Lewittes explains.

"Lindsay needs this year off, " Piazza agrees. "In fact, if we see or hear anything about her, then she's done."

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie always talk wistfully of adding to their already-huge brood of kids. This may be the year they adopt again.

"She's going to adopt and it's going to be from Africa. Probably from Namibia," Fuller predicts.

Adds Jo, "I think Angie and Brad are itching for more babies."

But Michael disagrees. "I think they are probably exhausted from all these kids."

It doesn't matter what Snooki and The Situation do on the 'Jersey Shore,' 2011 will be a big year for them, our experts say. But what do they really want to happen?

"What I'd like to see is the 'Teen Mom' - 'Jersey Shore' crossover, where Amber starts dating The Situation," Piazza offers.

Their 'Twilight' romance is well documented, but will Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart last once their vampire-sheen fades away?

"I think they will end up being very good friends, but absolutely no more romance come the end of 2011," Jo concludes.

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Ground Zero Mosque Opponents Target Justin Bieber, Citing Fake Interview

Ground Zero Mosque Opponents Target Justin Bieber, Citing Fake Interview | MAILYou might also like: Music | Movies | TV#GH_ #GH_search_button {background:url("") no-repeat scroll 0 -108px transparent;}#GH_ #GH_search_button:hover {background-position:0 -154px;}#GH_ #GH_search { background:url("") no-repeat scroll 5px -706px transparent; padding:0px 6px 7px; margin-top:10px;}#GH_ #GH_brand {width:239px;}#GH_ #GH_search_form {height:auto; padding:6px; float:left;}#GH_ #GH_search_field {height:17px; font:bold 13px Arial; color:#A1A1A1; padding:7px 0 6px 8px; width:346px;}#GH_ #GH_search_button {height:30px;}#GH_search_tab {display:block; margin-bottom:2px; margin-top:7px;}#GH_search_tab ul li {display:inline; margin:0 16px 0 12px; cursor:pointer; color:#EE0087; font:bold 14px Arial;}#GH_search_tab .selected-tab { color:#fff; }#GH_ #GH_nav_act {background:url("") no-repeat scroll right -295px transparent;}#footer #GH_ #GH_search {background:none;}#footer #GH_ #GH_search_form {background-color:#000;}#footer #GH_ #GH_searchFt_button {background:url("") no-repeat scroll 0 -100px transparent;}div#left div.hub ul li #addThis {overflow:hidden;}PopEaterPopEaterWeb HomeCelebritiesMovie NewsTV NewsMusic NewsFamous CouplesCelebrity BabiesNaughty But NiceSend Feedback #skySlider ul li.activeLink{display:none;} Perilous Debate 17 Inanimate Objects in Pop Culture We Loved in 2010 Perilous Debate Best Celebrity TwitPics of 2010 Perilous Debate What Will Happen in 2011? Perilous Debate Cee Lo and Gwyneth to Make Music Together Perilous Debate Are Crazy Movie Roles Hazardous to Your Health? Perilous Debate Kim Kardashian Sports Cornrows to the Gym Perilous Debate PopEater's New Year's Resolutions for 2011 Perilous Debate Arrest Made in Break-in at Tyler Perry's Home Perilous Debate Lisa Rinna Tweets Herself With No Makeup Perilous Debate The 10 Best Family Movies of 2010 Perilous Debate ABBA Fuel Reunion Rumors Perilous Debate Photos: Reese Witherspoon's Engagement Ring var strArtLink = document.location;var artLink = String(strArtLink).replace("newdev.sandbox", "www");var cottMain = document.getElementById('skybox'); var cottUL = cottMain.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0]; var cottLi = cottUL.getElementsByTagName('li'); var i=0;var liLen = (cottLi.length)-1;for (i=0;i Ground Zero Mosque Opponents Target Justin Bieber, Citing Fake Interview26 CommentsBy Marc Schneider  Posted Dec 30th 2010 04:21PMEmail This
An article published by sophomoric website that quotes Justin Bieber praising the so-called Ground Zero Mosque and calling Christians "lame-o-rama" has apparently fooled enough opponents of the project to launch an anti-Biebs campaign.

The much-publicized 9/11 Hard Hat Pledge and a Facebook group calling themselves "Boycott companies who support the Ground Zero Mosque" have included the Canadian tween singer on a list of entities to shun economically because of their support for the officially-named Cordoba House.

Andy Sullivan, who founded 9/11 Hard Hat Pledge, a group of construction workers vowing to not work on the site, told a New York radio station in early December that a Bieber boycott stems from an article he heard about in Tiger Beat magazine. In an interview with Salon, he talked about breaking the news to his 8-year-old daughter and 11-year-old son.,feedConfig,entry&id=858289&pid=858288&uts=1293746319,aolsvc&omni=1&ke=1 Bieber SnapshotsBIEBS! Click for more pics >>Getty ImagesGetty Images North America Justin Bieber SnapshotsATLANTA, GA - DECEMBER 23: Justin Bieber performs at Philips Arena on December 23, 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Prince Williams/FilmMagic)

Justin Bieber Snapshots

ATLANTA, GA - DECEMBER 23: Recording Artist Justin Bieber attends the Stuff Bieber's Bus press conference at the CNN Center on December 23, 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Moses Robinson/Getty Images)

Justin Bieber Snapshots

ATLANTA, GA - DECEMBER 23: Recording Artist Justin Bieber attends the Stuff Bieber's Bus press conference at the CNN Center on December 23, 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Moses Robinson/Getty Images)

Justin Bieber Snapshots

ATLANTA, GA - DECEMBER 23: Recording Artist Justin Bieber attends the Stuff Bieber's Bus press conference at the CNN Center on December 23, 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Moses Robinson/Getty Images)

Justin Bieber Snapshots

ATLANTA, GA - DECEMBER 23: Recording Artist Justin Bieber attends the Stuff Bieber's Bus press conference at the CNN Center on December 23, 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Moses Robinson/Getty Images)

Justin Bieber Snapshots

ATLANTA, GA - DECEMBER 23: Recording Artist Justin Bieber attends the Stuff Bieber's Bus press conference at the CNN Center on December 23, 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Moses Robinson/Getty Images)

Justin Bieber Snapshots

ATLANTA, GA - DECEMBER 23: Recording Artist Justin Bieber attends the Stuff Bieber's Bus press conference at the CNN Center on December 23, 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Moses Robinson/Getty Images)

Justin Bieber Snapshots

ATLANTA, GA - DECEMBER 23: Recording Artist Justin Bieber attends the Stuff Bieber's Bus press conference at the CNN Center on December 23, 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Moses Robinson/Getty Images)

Justin Bieber Snapshots

ATLANTA, GA - DECEMBER 23: Recording Artist Justin Bieber attends the Stuff Bieber's Bus press conference at the CNN Center on December 23, 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Moses Robinson/Getty Images)

Justin Bieber Snapshots

ATLANTA - DECEMBER 23: Justin Bieber attends the Stuff Bieber's Bus press conference at the CNN Center on December 23, 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Chris McKay/WireImage)

Justin Bieber Snapshots

oKExp.start("popeatermusic-celebs_justin_bieber");"I informed them, 'Hey guys, guess what? Justin Bieber spoke out for the ground zero mosque," Sullivan said. "My little girl took down his poster and said she didn't want to have nothing to do with him anymore. These are my kids. They're living this thing."

So, what exactly did Bieber reportedly tell Tiger Beat? In August, the oft-pornographic satirical site (sample headline: "Jessica Alba Spreads Her Legs, Contemplates Her Life") published a report on an interview they say was from Tiger Beat, which covers Bieber, 16, like white on rice.

"Muslims should be allowed to build a mosque anywhere they want," the singer said. "Coming from Canada, I'm not used to this level of intolerance, eh."

Bieber went on to say that Muslims are "super cool," Christians are "lame-o-rama," and that the mosque will help "start a dialogue" with all religions about which Justin Bieber song is the most awesome.

"I was like seven when September 11th went down, and frankly I'm surprised people are still going on about it. Move on, already!"
Justin Elliott over at Salon reached CelebJihad's editor and he confirmed the obvious: the article is satire. Further, the site even carries a handy-dandy disclaimer that could aid future readers: " is a satirical website containing published rumors, speculation, assumptions, opinions, fiction as well as factual information."

A scan of Tiger Beat's online presence delivers plenty of Bieber, but no Mosque talk.

Since the fake-ness of the article has been made known, the owner of the "Boycott companies who support..." Facebook page has tried to clarify. "We are waiting for comment from Tiger Beat Magazine to verify the article we quoted. However, our source of information was not based on the obviously false quotes from celebjihad."

Which article they quoted to justify adding Bieber to the boycott (and to make him their poster child) has yet to be determined.

But until then, commenters on the Facebook page are having a blast.

? Kathy Fowler: YOU'VE BEEN PUNKED! Hey Sullivan. You broke your daughter's heart over a false internet rumor. Way to go.

? Corey Hart: Dear Stupid Admins: the Justin Bieber story was a hoax. As are, apparently, the rumors that your collective IQ exceeds 3.

Bieber and Tiger Beat have yet to comment on the controversy. Follow Us on Twitter Friend Us on FacebookFiled under: Gut Reactions - Highbrow - Music News - Politics - WTF - Celebrity Scandal Tags: justin bieber
Email This @import url(;Powered by SurphaceRelated ArticlesFrom PopEaterJustin Bieber Sweepstakes: Enter to Win–14 days agoWe?ve Got a Fever and the Only Cure Is Justin Bieber–18 days agoNew Couple Alert: Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez–21 days agoCaught By the Paparazzi: Justin Bieber, Taylor Lautner, Jessica Simpson–29 days agoFrom Our PartnersJustin Bieber JustBeats Headphones Giveaway -- Vote Urlies to...Urlesque–21 days agoAnnouncing the 2010 Urlies -- The Year in Internet, From Double...Urlesque–23 days agoGrammy 2011 NomineesThe Boot–29 days agoGrammy 2011 Nominees AnnouncedSpinner–29 days ago// omniture click tracking supportif (! Sphere) {var Sphere = {};}if (! Sphere.Tracker) {Sphere.Tracker = {};}Sphere.Tracker.track = function ( ele, site, area, quadtitle, sphereid, metadata) {// if not a link with href exitif( !ele.href ) return;/*-- the following may or may not be present, so check and init if necessary-- sphereid is used by ssi and represents site id by proxy-- metadata should be in the form of a pipe-delimited string e.g. k=v|b=y*/try{if(!quadtitle){ quadtitle = '';} }catch(anErr){quadtitle = ''; }try{if(!sphereid){ sphereid = '';}}catch(anErr){sphereid = '';}try{if(!metadata){ metadata = '';}}catch(anErr){metadata = '';}// put document referrer metadata in it's own try/catch block so that it is set even if metadata isn't init'dtry{if (document.referrer != ''){metadata += "|referrer=" + document.referrer;}}catch(anErr){}lnk = ele.href;quad = area;context = site;try{// not always passed, so catch the errorif(!quadtitle){ quadtitle = '';}}catch(anErr){quadtitle = '';}var omSiteid = 'aol_popeater2';var theURL = ""+omSiteid;theURL += "&quad="+quad+"&fquadname="+quadtitle+"&context="+context+"&lnk="+escape(lnk)+"&loc="+escape(window.location)+"&sphereid="+sphereid+"&metadata="+escape(metadata);omImg = new Image();omImg.src = theURL;};var IE6 = false /*@cc_on || @_jscript_version PopStewBrangelinaFrancois Poolman, AP Did Brad and Angelina Get Married? -- Extra Singer's Homophobic Rant on Twitter -- Salon Actor Shows Off Twins -- Amy Grindhouse PICS: Megan Fox in Tiny Bikini -- Hollywood Tuna Khloe Kardashian Gets Her Own Show -- Celebitchy Actress Denies Dating John Mayer -- The Blemish Check Out Reese's Engagement Ring -- Daily Fill Who Does Kim Kardashian Want for Her Music Video? -- Hello Beautiful Jennifer Aniston Criticized -- LimeLife
SnapPolls Comments (26)Add a comment

Thursday 30 DecemberBy John padrick murryLowest Rank Vote downVote upReport this

0that kid doesnt know what he is talking about typical lib kid.


Thursday 30 DecemberBy whtfng19535Low Ranked Vote downVote upReport this

Amen to that-typical sheboy.

Friday 31 DecemberBy Dbcoll1957Highest Rank Vote downVote upReport this

I an't stand the kid's music, but I just read your post. did you read the article? He never said any of this... it was posted by someone us a joke. My god you're an idiot. You've been watching Fox News so much you let anything someone prints think for you... dimwit.

Friday 31 DecemberBy MRBILLHigh Rank Vote downVote upReport this

You people are worse than the other morons that started this BS because you can't or won't take the time to READ the article before you pounce on a 16 year old kid.

Friday 31 DecemberBy BTDT Vote downVote upReport this

Good heavens, I'm surrounded by fools.

Thursday 30 DecemberBy junior Vote downVote upReport this

How about the Beatles????? Same hairstyles just decades apart.


Thursday 30 DecemberBy whtfng19535 Vote downVote upReport this

John, my sentiments exactly!


Friday 31 DecemberBy MRBILL Vote downVote upReport this

Another MORON. Please learn to read.

Thursday 30 DecemberBy jymwrite Vote downVote upReport this

Just goes to show you the conservative reactionaries will jump on any bandwagon whether there's facts to support it as long as they can vent their venom and hate.


Thursday 30 DecemberBy sirboss Vote downVote upReport this

If you look at it you can't tell if it has a "pee pee' or a "Tinkle", my guess is tinkle.


Thursday 30 DecemberBy Rod Vote downVote upReport this

How old are you?

Thursday 30 DecemberBy greggLowest Rank Vote downVote upReport this

i cant stand justin bieber but i do agree
that people need to get over 9-11.


Thursday 30 DecemberBy sirbossHighest Rank Vote downVote upReport this

gregg i guess you didnt have any relations killed in 9/11. I cuse you with somthing personal in your life to help you remember 9/11.

Thursday 30 DecemberBy rickHigh Rank Vote downVote upReport this

Hey, Greg. I have a suggestion for you. Why not move to Mecca, Medina or Baghdad or Damascas. Or better yet, why don't you go straight to Hell!

Thursday 30 DecemberBy Dennis Vote downVote upReport this

Remember what June said to Ward on the Leave It To Beaver Show,

O ' Ward , Don't be so hard on the Beaver


Thursday 30 DecemberBy linkin park rockLow Ranked Vote downVote upReport this

Oh get a life would it be any different had the terrorist been from Israel stop medeling with peoples affairs christians aren't so squeeky clean either


Thursday 30 DecemberBy patHighest Rank Vote downVote upReport this

It's amazing what people will believe. I guarantee you, every single one of these people has never voted, and thinks beer is a food group.


Thursday 30 DecemberBy Buckwheat Vote downVote upReport this

Isn't Justin a strange name for a little girl?


Friday 31 DecemberBy MRBILL Vote downVote upReport this


And your name?

Thursday 30 DecemberBy oliviaLow Ranked Vote downVote upReport this



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Reese Witherspoon's Stunning Engagement Ring

Reese Witherspoon's fiancé, Jim Toth, went out of his way to find a unique engagement ring to accompany his proposal.

PEOPLE reports that Toth, 40, gave his future bride-to-be a 4-carat Ashoka-cut diamond set on a diamond-and-pavé-adorned platinum band.

The ring was custom-designed with Toth's input by jeweler William Goldberg of the William Goldberg Diamond Corp. Goldberg told US magazine that Toth was drawn to the uniqueness of the vintage-style Ashoka cut, distinguished by 62 displayed facets and rounded corners.

Just 10 percent of rough diamonds have the potential to be Ashokas, making it a sentimental choice for the bride who has everything.,feedConfig,entry&id=691977&pid=691976&uts=1273167996,aolsvc&omni=1&ke=1 Sidibe attends The American Cancer Society's Choose You luncheon on May 5th in New York City.oKExp.start("popeater3-popeater_music_popscene");
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John Mellencamp and Wife of 18 Years Split Up

John Mellencamp and his model wife are taking some of the sheen off all the recent celebrity engagements by delivering some sad news. The 'Pink Houses' rocker, 59, and Elaine Irwin Mellencamp, 41, announced through a spokesman on Thursday that they are "calling it a day as a couple" after 18 years of marriage and 20 years together.

"John and Elaine Mellencamp are proud of their 20 years together and are very happy with their accomplishments both as parents and as a family," the statement reads.

The couple will continue to raise their two children, sons Hud and Speck, in his home state of Indiana.

No reason was given for the split and it's unclear if they have filed for divorce. This is Mellencamp's third marriage.

Mellencamp's latest album, 'No Better Than This,' was released earlier this year.

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Are Crazy Film Roles Hazardous to an Actor's Health?

Natalie PortmanShortly before his death from prescription pills, Heath Ledger admitted to The New York Times that playing the deranged character of the Joker in 'The Dark Knight' haunted him so deeply that he stopped sleeping. Now it seems as though Natalie Portman can relate. She hints that she was traumatized as she grew into her disturbing role in 'Black Swan' as a ballet dancer who loses her mind.

"There were some nights that I thought I literally was going to die," she tells EW in its forthcoming issue. "It was the first time I understood how you could get so wrapped up in a role that it could sort of take you down."

Countless other stars have played mentally ill or downright psychotic characters: Jack Nicholson in 'The Shining,' Christian Bale in 'American Psycho,' Angelina Jolie in 'Girl, Interrupted,' Robert DeNiro and Johnny Depp in just about anything. And while those roles often win accolades, little has been made of the psychological impact they might have.

University of Pennsylvania psychiatrist Christos Ballas says there's no doubt that playing intense characters such as these can indeed be hazardous to your health.

"[There are risks] in taking on a really intense role -- it takes a toll on you," he tells PopEater. "The risk is they become the identity they're playing. What often happens is that they change. You're forcing someone to become someone else and then asking them to go back to normal."

So can acting mentally disturbed actually drive a star over the edge? Or is it that actors have fragile psyches to begin with, so they're already vulnerable to mental instability? Better yet, are they just talking trash about trauma to grab headlines, which both Ledger and Portman did rather deftly?

The answer may be a little of all three. Ledger's comments to the Times about being "stressed out" while filming the Bob Dylan biopic 'I'm Not There' and battling insomnia while playing the Joker ("Last week I probably slept an average of two hours a night. I couldn't stop thinking. My body was exhausted, and my mind was still going") may have been disarmingly honest, but they also were made during a publicity tour for the Dylan movie. And they certainly landed him -- and his films -- a whole lot of press.

"Acting is tricky business," Ballas says. "If you're really going to be a good actor and really get into that role, you want to lose yourself. Either you have to have a really weak identity to throw yourself into the role, or you have to have a strong identity you remember to go back to when the role is over."

Sometimes, there's a mixing up of fantasy and reality -- where an actor is so consumed by his character that he begins to behave like that person even when the cameras aren't rolling (Joaquin Phoenix, anyone?). But the serious psychological condition involving the blurring of what is real and what is make-believe, called dissociation, probably doesn't befall most performers.

They can easily get way too caught up in the world of the film, though.

"You see a lot of instances where the actor or actress falls in love with the person they fall in love with in the movie," our psychiatrist says. "They truly believe they're making the right decision [to be with their costar] because they're still partially in character."

Cynics will gripe that stars are just doing the crazy talk to get attention. (After all, didn't we celebrity journalist types gobble up Portman's and Ledger's compelling quotes the minute they were fed to us?)

But the ploy for PR may not be the whole picture.

"Winona Ryder was fine and then she made 'Girl, Interrupted' and suddenly got arrested for being a klepto," says Ballas, never one to mince words. "A lot of people at that time thought she was doing it for publicity, but what really probably happened is that she just changed."

Some would say it takes a steely sort to emerge from such a grueling creative process unscathed. And really, as confident as they may appear, how many actors have that solid an identity?

"It's almost a stereotype, to say that people who want to go into acting have fractured egos and want self-affirmation," he tells us. "It's a very adolescent game, acting. You really have to be a fully formed, hard-core adult or you keep rolling into new identities."

But let's not be too hard on our stars, especially at this magical time of year, or we might be accused of being witchy, jealous little Grinches. Plenty of actors handle the mentally challenging roles with finesse. Portman may even be one of them.

Ballas does have some advice for the ones who struggle.

"You have to realize that the business you're in requires you to completely disconnect from it off-hours," he counsels. "The best method actors -- Johnny Depp, Robert DeNiro -- maintain a strong identity outside and have a strong private life."

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The 10 Best Family Movies of 2010

The 10 Best Family Movies of 2010 | MAILYou might also like: Music | Movies | TV#GH_ #GH_search_button {background:url("") no-repeat scroll 0 -108px transparent;}#GH_ #GH_search_button:hover {background-position:0 -154px;}#GH_ #GH_search { background:url("") no-repeat scroll 5px -706px transparent; padding:0px 6px 7px; margin-top:10px;}#GH_ #GH_brand {width:239px;}#GH_ #GH_search_form {height:auto; padding:6px; float:left;}#GH_ #GH_search_field {height:17px; font:bold 13px Arial; color:#A1A1A1; padding:7px 0 6px 8px; width:346px;}#GH_ #GH_search_button {height:30px;}#GH_search_tab {display:block; margin-bottom:2px; margin-top:7px;}#GH_search_tab ul li {display:inline; margin:0 16px 0 12px; cursor:pointer; color:#EE0087; font:bold 14px Arial;}#GH_search_tab .selected-tab { color:#fff; }#GH_ #GH_nav_act {background:url("") no-repeat scroll right -295px transparent;}#footer #GH_ #GH_search {background:none;}#footer #GH_ #GH_search_form {background-color:#000;}#footer #GH_ #GH_searchFt_button {background:url("") no-repeat scroll 0 -100px transparent;}div#left div.hub ul li #addThis {overflow:hidden;}PopEaterPopEaterWeb HomeCelebritiesMovie NewsTV NewsMusic NewsFamous CouplesCelebrity BabiesNaughty But NiceSend Feedback #skySlider ul li.activeLink{display:none;} Perilous Debate 17 Inanimate Objects in Pop Culture We Loved in 2010 Perilous Debate Best Celebrity TwitPics of 2010 Perilous Debate What Will Happen in 2011? Perilous Debate Cee Lo and Gwyneth to Make Music Together Perilous Debate Are Crazy Movie Roles Hazardous to Your Health? Perilous Debate Kim Kardashian Sports Cornrows to the Gym Perilous Debate PopEater's New Year's Resolutions for 2011 Perilous Debate Arrest Made in Break-in at Tyler Perry's Home Perilous Debate Lisa Rinna Tweets Herself With No Makeup Perilous Debate The 10 Best Family Movies of 2010 Perilous Debate ABBA Fuel Reunion Rumors Perilous Debate Photos: Reese Witherspoon's Engagement Ring var strArtLink = document.location;var artLink = String(strArtLink).replace("newdev.sandbox", "www");var cottMain = document.getElementById('skybox'); var cottUL = cottMain.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0]; var cottLi = cottUL.getElementsByTagName('li'); var i=0;var liLen = (cottLi.length)-1;for (i=0;i The 10 Best Family Movies of 20104 CommentsBy The Editors at Moviefone  Posted Dec 31st 2010 07:36AMEmail This
Although 2010 won't go down as one of the best years in recent film history, it did produce several memorable family films, which is a genre all too often muddled with mediocre (or flat-out awful) comedies featuring talking animals and tired sight gags we've seen over and over again. Here are our 10 favorite family movies that parents, kids and even childless moviegoers, could love.
10. 'Shrek Forever After'
It wasn't the best of the 'Shrek' films (or it would've scored much higher on the list), but the beloved ogre couple of Shrek and Fiona can still make us laugh, and amuse us with their fairy-tale story lines and friends (especially Eddie Murphy's Donkey and Antonio Banderas' Puss). If he never makes another comedy, Mike Myers will forever after be Shrek.

9. 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid'
Sixth grade boys are silly -- and a bit gross -- but this adaptation of Jeff Kinney's publishing phenomenon shows just how difficult -- and hilarious -- it is to navigate middle school when you're scrawny and unpopular. If you can handle the scatological humor and cheesy (or "Cheese Touch") jokes, this is one of the year's funniest kid flicks.

8. 'Megamind'
Since villains are often the most fascinating characters in a movie, it was a welcome surprise to see two villain-focused animated movies this year. Despite getting edged out by more memorable competition, 'Megamind,' starring comedy chums Will Ferrell and Tina Fey, is still a fun-to-watch story with a killer voice cast.

7. 'The Karate Kid'

Fears of a childhood favorite getting ruined in a remake were allayed when it was clear that this 'Karate Kid,' with its much younger star, focuses on the ridiculous (and unsurprising, given his parentage) charm of Jaden Smith. Jackie Chan, who for once doesn't play a stereotype, did his most nuanced work ever and introduced a new generation of kids to the ultimate underdog story.

6. 'Secretariat'
This biopic of horse racing's most famous Triple Crown winner and Penny Chenery, the dedicated woman who owned him, is touching and expertly acted by Diane Lane, who carries the Disney drama with a dignified grace. Yes, it's a bit treacly (it is Disney), but if you don't mind sentimentality, it's a sweet (and educational!) live-action film for the entire family.

5. 'Despicable Me'
The other supervillain flick on our list also explores what motivates an evil genius, but the difference is that Steve Carell's Gru doesn't have a traditional (and predictable) superhero-nemesis or love-interest story line; he's got three adorable orphans to raise. Original, funny (those minions are irresistible) and featuring a hip Pharrell Williams soundtrack, this is a winner.

4. 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1'
The Trio of Potter stars are all grown up in this darkest and most faithful adaptation in the magical franchise -- so far. Director David Yates coaxed series-best performances from Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and, particularly, Rupert Grint, who flexed their acting muscles navigating heavy doses of physical danger and teenage angst.

2. (TIE) 'How To Train Your Dragon'
Most 3D movies aren't worth the cost of theater bonus fees, but this fantasy adaptation is a rare exception. It's one of those kids' movies that has it all: a likable, slightly nerdy protagonist (voiced by Jay Baruchel), genuinely funny dialogue, a fierce warrior-girl love interest, and breathtaking animated cinematography that makes you feel like you're flying through the air with Toothless the dragon.

Disney managed to capture the spirit of their old-school princess movies, but transformed Rapunzel (Mandy Moore) into a guileless, courageous heroine who saves the roguish hero more often than he saves her.

Mix in showstopping musical numbers, a deliciously evil villain, and a swoon-worthy romance, and you have one golden fairy tale.

1. 'Toy Story 3'
Was there ever any doubt? Pixar's third entry in its flagship franchise exceeded even considerably high expectations (considering the studio has a perfect batting average with critics and moviegoers), reducing the steeliest of adult audiences into a jumble of tears.

Watching Woody, Buzz and the gang face their most difficult adventure yet -- Andy's transition to adulthood -- was unforgettably bittersweet.

As for the worst family films of the year, check out more on Moviefone.
How are stars spending their holidays? Check out our video below!

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SnapPolls Comments (4)Add a comment

Friday 31 DecemberBy mw Vote downVote upReport this

Toy story 3, my fav of 2010.


Friday 31 DecemberBy sxie4 Vote downVote upReport this

Watching Woody, Buzz and the gang face their most difficult adventure yet -- Andy's transition to adulthood -- was unforgettably bittersweet.I love this , So does My boyfriend .he is almost 11year older than me .i met him via age'lessmate.c'om a nice place for seeking age le ss love.which gives you a chance to make your life better and open opportunities for you to meet the attractive young girls and treat you like a king. Maybe you wanna check it out or tell your friends..

Friday 31 DecemberBy Judith Warren Vote downVote upReport this

shrek 4 was a disapoitment


Friday 31 DecemberBy ekranking Vote downVote upReport this

I loved Toy Story 3. Really happy Tangled is in second place! It needs more credit :) I should see HHTYD too!


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